Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Wednesday, April 17

Just a few things for our blog.  First, once again I apologize for not updating daily.  I must make this a habit.  Next, thanks to everyone for their hard work in preparing for the Spring Carnival.  It is coming together nicely and I know the families will have a ball!  Finally, thanks for giving it your all everyday.  Lewisville is a great school because of the wonderful staff.

Progress Reports go home on April 23rd.  Make sure any student that you contact parents of students that have had significant drops in their grades.  The progress report should be the first step and follow up conferences should occur (telephone calls or in person meetings).

Spring Carnival: If you can work a late shift and you have not contacted Ms. Hopkins please so ASAP.

Multicultural Team: Please check your emails for upcoming meetings and needs from Mrs. Choplin/Mrs. Stewart.


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