Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Happy Wednesday

Good Wednesday morning. Day two was terrific. Everyone is off to a great start. We will welcome all of our kindergartners today.

EQ's: As we have been visiting classrooms we have noticed that very few folks have their EQ's posted. This week as you are preparing your lesson plans please develop EQ's for all subject areas. If you are having difficulty and need assistance do not hesitate to ask Carolyn. She is willing to come to your meetings and help develop the questions. As Mrs. Cann and I complete our walkthroughs we will be looking for these next weeks.

Teacher Advisory Council: As we reviewed your committee choices we did not have anyone volunteer to serve as the TAC representative. There are approximately four meetings per year for this position. The system covers your substitute. If you are interested please let Mrs. Choplin know ASAP. * It must be a certified teacher.

Have a wonderful day.

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