Here are some updates/reminders for everyone.
* Our PTA is working hard to build its membership! We are all the face of Lewisville and it is important that we support this worthy cause. Therefore, we are asking that all staff members join the PTA. Tomorrow they are going to have a drawing/give away for any staff member that has joined the organization. We are also going to give 3 free "JEAN DAYS" to any staff member that joins. Thanks in advance for your support.WHAT TO DO ON TWO HOUR DELAY DAYS
* Thanks to several teachers for reminding us that we did not share with you what to do on two hour delay days. Our policy will always be safety first. Our system policy states that teachers should report to work at regular time on delay days. With that shared we do want everyone to be safe when driving in snowy weather. Therefore, if you do not feel safe you can contact one of the administrators and we will work out a plan for you.*Special classes will be held on two hour delay days. The first classes of the day will be 11:45am. Please know that we will make announcements to make sure everyone is aware of the schedule for the day.
* Effective immediately all purchases made by staff members that will require reimbursement must be approved by Mrs. Choplin and Mrs. Scott. This will allow us to determine if the supply can be ordered from our warehouse or if it is a purchase that we will reimburse with school funds. Staff members submitting requests/receipts for reimbursement which did not have prior approval will not be honored.FORMS
* Please remember to complete forms for requesting absences, repair needs, copy orders and supply needs.STAFF DEVELOPMENT WORKDAY
* Mrs. Scott would like to remind all certified staff members that they should call into the sub finder system on staff development/workshop days to document their absence from school. Please put no sub required. Specific questions should be emailed to Mrs. Scott.OUR SCHOOL IS GOING TO BE PAINTED!
* Beginning September 10 the system paint crew will be here to paint our school. The hallways, cafeteria, front doors, office and other public areas will be painted. Touch ups will be made in individual classrooms. We will provide more information as it is provided to us.