Thursday, September 6, 2012

A Few Things

The collaboration was fantastic and very informative. Your insights will help the SIT develop appropriate goals for our school next year.

Educational Field Trips: I have developed a form to be sent home to parents who request educational leave. If you receive a request regarding educational leave please notify Mrs. DuBose and she will provide you with the form to send home to the parents.

Bonus Annual Leave Days: The last edition of Common Sense (a WSFCS publication) has information regarding the use of the 5 bonus annual leave days allocated to teachers this year. If you did not receive a copy in your mailbox please speak with Mrs. Scott and she can share information regarding the annual leave days.

Painting: The painters are coming! Beginning Monday, September 10 the paint crew from the system will be here painting. They will begin with the outside doors and then move inside. Please make sure you and your students are cautious when you see them around the school. They will be painting the halls, the office and will touch up individual spots in classrooms. I will be sending out a message to parents on Sunday letting them know about the painting. The paint they will use is environmentally safe and order free!

Mark Your Calendars! On October 13 the district will host its 2nd annual STAND UP-STEP UP community bully walk. All schools are to a team of walkers for the event. It is for a great cause and will only take a hour/two of your time. Mrs. Mathews will be sharing more information in the upcoming weeks. Let's get out there and walk for a good cause.

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