Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Wednesday, February 2Oth

Hope everyone is well and having a "Quacker Day".  Just a few updates and reminders. 

Several of our colleagues have family members who have had surgery or are going to have surgery this week.  Thought it would be great if we could remember them through thoughts, prayers and words of encouragement.

  • Mrs. Shore's mother had heart surgery. She was released from the hospital today.
  • Mrs. Lea: Her son is having surgery today.
  • Ms. Vaughn: Her son is having surgery at the end of the week.
  • Mr. Mercer: His dad is going to have heart surgery. Date not determined.
All parties are expected to be fine but it is always nice to know that your colleagues are supporting you during trying times.  If you know of anyone else that needs our thoughts and prayers just let me know and we will put the word out.


It is time to give to the arts.  Our school goal was set at $1100.00.  Currently, $440.00 has been pledged.  Every little bit helps.  See Mrs. Hartman or Mr. Noftle with any questions and they can guide you through the process.

Grades 3-5 please make sure you are beginning/or continue to incorporate calculators in your daily math practices. 

The first two staff members to email me after reading this blog can wear blue jeans tomorrow and next Monday.

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