Wednesday, November 13, 2013

DIBELS Next and TRC news....

According to Janie Costello, if a child is red or yellow on a measure in DIBELS Next and red or yellow on TRC, progress monitor the student both on DIBELS Next and TRC.   This means that some students will be progress monitored on a DIBELS measure and TRC on red and/or yellow weeks on your calendar.  If you haven't progress monitored the child on TRC (because you were waiting for this answer) please progress monitor those students who are in red or yellow on TRC no later than November 26th.

During the "green week", you will progress monitor the children who are in green on the probe that the device prompts you to use in DIBELS Next.  The device will prompt you as to which probe you PM.  You will only do one probe.  For TRC, you may use the grade level default or if necessary move up a level when progress monitoring a student.

As always, please ask questions if you are unclear about anything.

I have found some helpful websites you may want to use as you write your unit plans....  (Its not just reading, go to their math is AMAZING)  (This website is great for 4th grade NC History)  (go to daily show)  I would use this website with fourth and fifth grade students.  Each daily show touches on science and social studies content.

For additional helpful blogs.... go to


Have fun...planning.....

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