Sunday, November 17, 2013

News about the Upcoming Science Fair.....

This week, I hope that the K-3 Teachers are working on your students' science experiment by writing down the procedure and finishing the abstract of the experiment telling what the children learned about the topic.  This should be a class writing activity.

By November 26th:  Your students should be finished writing their results and conclusion.  Also, have them write "future directions" as to what they want to study next.  It may be an extension of their science project.

Please keep in mind, first and second grade teachers, that the writing can be the informative/explanatory piece of writing for their K-5 literacy portfolio for second quarter.

December 10th is our Science Fair.  Please be prepared to hand in your class project between 12:00-2:00 on December 9th.  That way I will have more time to set up for our judges who are coming on December 10th.

Please note:  Any child who hands in an individual project will need to "register" their project with me in the gym between 7:30-9:00 on December 10th.

There will be a chance for your students to view the projects on December 11th.  I will put out a sign-up sheet in the work room for this event.

If you need a science fair board for your class project, please see me.   Thank you for all your support and instruction!  We couldn't have this event without your expertise!

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