Monday, January 7, 2013

Happy Tuesday Everyone!

I hope your week started well.  Cathey and I continue to be impressed with all the learning we see going on in your classes.  As we talk with students they are aware of what is happening in class, what they are learning and why!  We know that many of you have felt overwhelmed this year with a new principal, new curriculum, RTI, Reading Foundations, etc.  You have all handled these changes with grace and style.  Your attitudes are positive and the students would not know that you are stressed at all.   With that said, I would like to take one thing off your plate.... from this point forward you will not be asked to turn in parent contact logs.  I strongly believe in calling parents and sharing positive news with them.  Like us, our parents are faced with challenging jobs, hard economic times, etc. and I know they enjoy receiving the positive news you bring with your calls.  Building relationships is key with parents. I hope removing this task will relieve you a bit.  I would highly encourage your maintaining some type of log to track your parent contacts and if time permits I would encourage you share positive words as often as you can.

Grade levels will continue to send at least one newsletter home per month.  It is critical that parents know what is going on in class and upcoming events for their children.  Please continue to turn in a copy to Ms. Hopkins at the end of each month.

We had a good SIT meeting Monday.  Megan is doing a fine job as our SIT chair.  The minutes will be shared with you via your grade representative.  Upcoming events include PTA/math curriculum night- February 5th.  All grade levels should present information pertaining to the new curriculum.  It is powerful to actually show the parents what the children are learning through hands on experiences.  In the past, I have observed teachers provide the parents with a "test/CFA" after the review of the curriculum.  That can be a very eye opening experience.  I have also observed grade levels creating make and take activities for parents and students to take home. 

Spring Carnival will be here before we know it.  It is scheduled for April 26th.  We will need all hands on deck that evening to ensure this event is a success.  More information will be provided in the next couple of weeks.

I will be in a principals' meeting for the majority of the day.  I wish you a great day and as always thanks for all you do for our students.

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