Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Wednesday, January 2, 2013


It was great visiting each of your classrooms today.  The students were on task and you were all on your A game.  Part of my New Year's resolution is to update the blog more steps.

Listed below are some updates and reminders:

  • Daily schedules should be posted outside each classroom door.
  • EQ's should be posted weekly and should be changed with each new standard being taught.
  • Lesson plans should include standards being taught- daily.
  • All staff members should call if they are going to be late.
  • Dress code: We are returning to wearing jeans on Fridays only.  If you have a free jean pass jeans can be worn on any day.  The pass should be returned to Mrs. Choplin or Mrs. Scott on the day the jeans are worn to work.
  • Walkie-Talkie Update: Batteries and new walkie-talkies have been ordered.  We will return them to you as soon as possible.  Walkie-talkies should not be left in the holder during the day.  More directions on how to properly use walkie-talkies will be provided in the near future.
  • All outside entrance doors should be locked. If you should happen to find an unlock door please lock it.
  • Emergency bags should be taken to special classes, lunch and recess.  They should also be taken on field trips.
  • Certified teacher PDP's are due to the assigned administrator on Friday, January 4th.  This is a correction from the blog which says PEP's. 
  • Reading Foundations: Remember to sign up for the course and Edmondo for your assignments. The next meeting is January 22nd 8:00-1:00pm.
  • Coming soon: Forms pertaining to student failures for 2nd quarter and retentions.  The information will be in an email attachment.
  • Remind students to walk on the right side of the hallways and to not talk in line while traveling from place to place.
  • Afternoon dismissal: All employees should remind students to not run in the hallways when going to the buses.  Teachers should remain in their doorways and monitor students at all times. 
  • Students should greet students at their door daily.

  • All PEP's must be reviewed every quarter.  Therefore, if you have not reviewed students PEP's for the second quarter please set up a parent meeting as soon as you can.  The meeting can be held after DIBELS testing has been completed.
  • All PEP's must be reviewed, progress monitored or closed out (if applicable) by THURSDAY, JANUARY 17t, 2013.
  • New PEP's for sstudents who are struggling or at-risk for failure and do not have a current one in place should be developed by January 31, 2013.
  • Robyn Varga is available to answer questions via email or individual conferences.  Please contact her if you have questions.
Monthly walkthrough data has been placed in grade chair boxes.  Please reveiw the data prior to your next administrative PLC.  We will discuss areas of strength and areas to improve as a grade level. 

Teachers that have not turned in contact logs for December will be emailed directly.  If you recieve one of these emails please submit your log asap.

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