Thursday, January 31, 2013

Thursday, January 21


First, I apologize for not blogging this week.  As you know some weeks are hectic and I have let this slide. For those of you that check in daily I will try hard to improve.

We have one item that needs to be brought to everyones attention---the alarm system and the ramifications of false alarms.  Each night Mr. Glenn sets the alarm as he leaves.  If a teacher remains in the building without his knowledge and leaves (walks down the hall) the alarm will sound.  Once this happens the admin. team is notified and we have to come to school to determine if there is an intruder.  Also, the police are dispatched.  We have had three false alarms to date.  It is highly possible that on the next false alarm the school will be charged.  We are asking that all teachers leave the building by 7:00pm Monday-Thursday and by 6:00pm on Fridays.  I will ask Mr. Glenn to make an announcement nightly.  We appreciate your work ethic but do not want to have to spend our school money paying fines that are avoidable.  Thanks for your help with this matter.

Have a wonderful day.

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