Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Curriculum Tips....

Thank you for taking the time to learn with your students this week....

You have participated in LTM's,
You have looked at data and identified specific student needs,
You have "Dibeled" your students with a "smile" on your face, and most importantly,
You are building positive relationships with your students daily.

Several websites you may want to use in your class are:
These websites offer a variety of digital tools to produce and publish students' writing.

No. 2 pencils

IE time will begin on Monday, Sept. 23rd.
A schedule will be put in your box so you will know who is working with your students and when.

If you are a third through fifth grade teacher, please give a list of important vocabulary words-across content areas to the specialists when they work with your students next week.  Also, until we get some current data, we have given the specialists several strategies to use with the students that work on fluency.  Please provide the specialist with reading material you are using with your students when they work with your class. 

Several teachers asked me what to fill out on the K-5 literacy cards since we are using Dibels and TRC rather than the K-5 assessments.  At the end of the year, you will be asked again to print out the DIBELS data and the TRC data to place in the K-5 literacy folders.   This will take the place of documentation on the outside of the literacy card.

Have a good "rest" of the week.....

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