Sunday, September 8, 2013

Curriculum Tips....

Hi Everyone,

I have enjoyed visiting classes this past week.  I can tell you prepared ahead of time for your students. Thank you for your hard work.

Every week...I am going to give a "tip" about DIBELS and TRC....  Hopefully, these "tips" will answer some of your questions as you take "a dive" into assessing your students.

1.  Dr. Costello suggested that you should do all the DIBELS assessments at once on each student.

2.  Dr. Costello suggested that you should be able to complete 2-3 children per day on the TRC (text reading comprehension).

3.  Please give these assessments during "workshop" or guided reading time.

4.  I have put up a schedule outside of my office if you would like help from me during the testing window.

5.  To access your students' histories.... go to
  Type in your username and password.
Click on mClass Dibels Next.
Under "class/group" pull down and click on your name.
Next, you should see your class list.
When you click on a child's name, his or her historical data will appear.

Science News.....
STC Refurbishment Kits have arrived!  Plant and Growth Development and Land and Water kits are on back order.

When you are ready to order your live animals/plants, please let me know at least 12 days in advance.  NOTE:  Butterflies need to be ordered 16 days in advance.  Please keep in mind that Carolina only delivers on Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays.
***Fourth Grade:  All living materials for your Animal STC unit does come at one time.

I will put STC Correlations and a Living Materials' order form in your boxes.  Please fill out the order form and give it to me when you are ready to order your live materials.  Thanks!


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