Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Curriculum Tips
The Week of October 7th

What's Happening in Science Class with Mr. D

Kindergarten:  The students will be comparing the different breeds of chickens.

First Grade:  The students have been studying the life cycle of the mealworm.  They set the "beetles" free, and now will create their own insect and record how their insect will satisfy his basic needs in their journals.

Second Grade:  The students will continue to study how birds are unique.  They will experiment with making nests.

Third Grade:  The students are "harvesting" seeds out of the gourds that are growing outside of the cafeteria. The students will look at the roots of the plants and discuss the functions of the plant system.

Fourth Grade:  The students have been participating in an activity called "Nature Squares" where the students  are assigned a "square" of natural wildlife and they are asked to 1. draw the area, 2. record their observations, and 3. record changes they observe in the natural habitat.

Fifth Grade:  The students are learning about the concepts of air pressure and water and how these influence the weather.  They will be reading "weather maps" during this rotation.

What's Happening in the World of Testing.....?

The Smarter Balanced Assessment will consist of two components which are performance tasks and an end-of-year summative assessment.  The performance tasks will be administered during the final 12 weeks of school.  The tasks will be organized around real-world scenarios.  For example, a high school student may be asked to review a financial document.  A combination of teacher and machine scoring will be used.  The questions on the summative assessment will include selected-response, constructed-response, and technology-enhanced items.  Most of these items will be immediately scored, although some human-scored elements may be included.

To see sample test items, go to www.smarterbalanced.org/sample-items-and-performance-tasks

CogAT testing for second graders will be Oct. 21st-23rd.  The testing each day is approximately 1 to 1.5 hours and will begin by 8:15.

Upcoming Staff Development Opportunities.....

Oct. 10th:  Healthful Living for PE teachers.....  3:45-5:15 at Caleb's Creek ES
Oct. 14th:  Progress Monitoring DIBELS Next and TRC for Curriculum Coordinators 2:00-3:30 EB: 219
Oct. 14th:  Progress Monitoring DIBELS Next and TRC:  K-3 Classroom Teachers:  3:45-5:15  EB: 219
Oct. 15th:  Social Studies Lesson and Assessment Planning for 4th and 5th Grade Teachers:  3:30-4:30 at Whitaker ES
Oct. 16th:  Reflections-Importance of Creativity, Departmental Support and Self Assessment in Teaching"  for Visual Art Teachers from 4:00-5:00 at the Reynolda House Museum of American Art
Oct. 22nd:  Destiny Reports for Media Coordinators and Media Assistants:  8:00-10:00 at the Ed Bldg Computer Lab or on Oct. 23rd at 1:30-3:30 or at 4:00-6:00
Oct. 30:  Elementary Media PLC at the IRC lab for Media Coordinators from 4:00-5:00

What are your Students Writing About?

As your grade level thinks of a narrative prompt for this quarter, please keep in mind that you want your children to go through the steps of the writing process with this prompt.  The students should be:
1.  prewriting
2.  drafting
3. conferencing with a peer or teacher
4. editing
5. publishing
6. sharing and celebrating.

Even though you do not have to document this writing score on the K-5 literacy folders, I would still like you to put this writing paper in the folders for each of your students.  I will be handing out labels for you to "stick" on your K-5 literacy folders that will show you the data I want you to record on the outside of the folder.  The narrative rubric that I handed out to you holds "end-of-year" expectations.  Please keep this in mind, as you mark the work your students produce.  As a grade level, please discuss your expectations for a narrative piece of writing right now.  So you are on the "same page" when evaluating the narrative piece.  Also, ask each other how much "guidance" are you giving or allowing during the conferencing piece of the writing process.
Please, grade level chairs, let me know when you will be having this discussion, so I can take part.  Thanks!

Science Fair Info....
To the Fourth and Fifth Grade Teachers, I will be sending home letters about individual projects in next Tuesday's packet.  I will have you proofread the letter of expectations prior to copying it and sending it home.
Right now, I have secured student and teacher judges from Reagan High School's National Science Honor Society.  At this point 10 people will be participating in the judging.  If you know of any other people who have a background in science and would like to judge, please let me know.

Have a good week!

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