Friday, October 25, 2013

October 27-November 1

7:20- Choplin/Vidal IEP
8:10- Mrs. Hall, Mrs. Ward, and Mrs. Mathews will be testing fourth and fifth grade students who have multiple days to take the Reading EOQ.  They will test the fifth graders first and then pick up the fourth graders from their classrooms to test.
*Mrs. Ward and Mrs. Hall will call for their students when testing is complete.
3:30- Choplin/Matthews/Mathews/Stuart meeting in conference room.

10:45: Choplin/Stewart/Jakobowski/Brown meeting in conference room.
8:10:  The fourth and fifth graders will take their Reading EOQ.  Please refer to the grade level test plans to find out when the testing for children with accommodations will take place.  
*Mrs. Ward and Mrs. Hall will call for their other students after testing is complete.
2:45- Choplin/Ward IEP

7:25: Choplin/Vidal IEP
8:10:  Third, fourth, and fifth graders will take their Math EOQ today.  Mrs. Mayer, Mrs. Hall, Mrs. Ward, Mrs. Mathews, and Mrs. Stewart will all be testing children with accommodations this morning.
2:45: Choplin/Hall IEP


8:00: KINDERGARTEN BOOK CHARACTER PARADE:  Everyone is welcome to stand in the halls and watch the fun.
***After the Kindergarten parade, EOQ make-ups will take place.  Mrs. Mathews, Mrs. Mayer, and Mrs.Jakobowski will be testing this morning.
1:00- Choplin/Mathews/Dolge/Stewart meeting in conference room

Teacher workday.   If you are not working today please complete a leave form for Mrs. Scott.  PBIS team members you may trade your summer workshop days for this workday.


November 4: Sheri Marlin will visit with teacher involved with systems thinking.
November 5: Gym will be used for elections.  Please check with Mr. Ploof to determine the plan for PE.
November 6- Grades/report cards are due to your assigned administrator.  K-2 please print the report cards out when handing in to be reviewed.
Novmeber 7: PBIS Team Mtg. @ 2:45 in Mrs. Lea's classroom.


Every Thursday evening I, along with many other LES parents,  hang out at Salem Gymnastics for hours on end.  Last night, while waiting for my little one to finish her class a lady approached me and said, "Are you Mrs. Choplin?  I thought I recognized your voice.  You do call my house every week!"  Naturally, I responded, Yes."  Now, at this point, I was about 110% sure this would end up being a conversation about school.  My assumption was correct-- the conversation about school.  I would like to share it with you.

The mom (to remain anonymous) said, "I just wanted to tell you that my daughter is in class with  Mrs. Letourneau and Mrs. Norman and she is having the best year!  We couldn't have asked for a better situation for her kindergarten year. She is learning Spanish and understands more that I do.  They are just fantastic and my daughter loves school!"  We went on to discuss her daughter and how well she was doing in school.  Then mom said, "I also want to tell you I loved the Kinder Camp.  I think you are the only school that does that around here.  I told my friend and she said that her school did not have a kinder camp and that she wished her child could have gone to kindercamp. Kinder Camp was fantastic! I just wanted to make sure I told you how much we like Lewisville School."  We talked for few more minutes and went our separate ways.

I must have been smiling from ear to ear after she left.  My heart was full of pride.  I wanted to share this for a couple of reasons.... 
  • Each of you are making a difference.  You may not hear the good on a daily basis but you are touching lives.  
  • I think we should lift each other up with the positives we hear. I hope that if you hear a good news story you will share it.  
  • I may not tell you enough but you are a fantastic, hard-working, dedicated staff and I am proud to be your principal- your colleague.
Thanks for you do and have a wonderful weekend.


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