Sunday, October 27, 2013

What's Happening in Science Enrichment this Week?

Kindergarten:  Last week, the children found pods outside and took the seeds out of them.  This week, Mr. D will be telling the Apple Star Story.  The children are going to act out the story line.

First Grade:  Mr. Dougherty is trying to teach the first graders to "appreciate" nature.  First, he will be talking about his rules that the children should follow when they are outside.  The children are going to find their special place and imagine what it would be like if the trees, flowers, etc. could talk.

Second Grade:  The children are finishing their very own books about what they learned about birds.  They will be sharing these books with each other.

Third Grade:  The students planted trees last week.  They will be talking about different kinds of seeds.

Fourth Grade:  The students are finishing their presentations of their "Nature Squares".  They will be sharing with each other.

Fifth Grade:  The students are going to watch Mr. D perform a science experiment this week.  The students will also be preparing to build catapults with Mr. D.

Progress Monitoring DIBELS Next and TRC begins this week......

I will come around to your rooms on Monday to see when you would like me to help you  progress monitor your students.  Remember, we are only progress monitoring the children who are in yellow.  I will also give a "kit" of books to the grade level chairperson that you will most likely need to progress monitor TRC.  If you need another level that isn't in the kit, let me know.  I will get it from another grade level.  When you are progress monitoring TRC, you will have the opportunity to choose the page(s) for the student to read aloud to you.  Then before answering questions, allow the child to finish reading the book.  The machine will not prompt you to the next level.

I will also be putting the Home Connect letters in your boxes this week to send home with report cards.

K-2 Testing....  If you need any help with your math assessments, please let me know.  I can teach a lesson while you assess or I can assess.

Questions and Answers.....

1.  What if a student is yellow in CLS and red in WWR?  Do I test every 10 days or 20 days?  I would test every 10 days hoping that the child will achieve his or her goal of earning 3 scores over the aim line faster.

2.  What if a student is green in CLS and red in WWR?  How often do I test?  Again, I would test every 10 days hoping that the child will achieve his or her goal of earning 3 scores over the aim line faster.

3. How do you get the out of grade level box to come up?  If you click on an assessment such as TRC and it is "below grade level" for the child you are testing, the machine will prompt you to choose an out of grade level text.

Have a good week!!!!!

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