Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Curriculum Tips

TRC Update and Reminders:  Please make sure you mark the MSV's for your students who score in the yellow or red range on the TRC.  Children in green are optional.

*I will be making a copy of the Home Connect Letter for each student once our BOY is complete.  Each grade level needs to choose a day to send them home.  The Home Connect Letter will explain the assessments and provide targeted activities for the children to do at home.

*When you conference with a parent about TRC, focus on comprehension abilities, not just the reading level.  Remind parents that DIBELS Next and the TRC are "teacher tools" for informing and changing instruction to meet the child's needs.  These assessments are also administered on an ongoing basis.  They are not "static" or "summative" information on the child.

*Remember, students perform differently on DIBELS and TRC.  These assessments are different lenses through which we learn about a student's literacy.  For instance, a student proficient on TRC and intensive on DIBELS reads connected text with comprehension but may have issues with fluency or a prerequisite skill assessed by DIBELS.  These weaknesses may not effect his or her performance until he or she is in an upper grade and has to read "academic" words.

*High performing students also have room for growth. Literacy skills such as character analysis and writing can be focused on through TRC.  Progress monitoring these children may also help you analyze error patterns and ensure that these students are maintaining performance at or above grade level.

*Choosing a TRC level at MOY and EOY should be easier because we will have information based on small group instruction and progress monitoring.

*Proper nouns on the TRC are only counted once as an error if a child misreads the word.

*Please do not rephrase directions or give any prompting when assessing a child in written or oral questions or on a retell.  We want valid, reliable data.

*Graphic organizers do not have to be used to answer the written questions. They were intended to serve as examples.  Students should use their own paper to write their answers.

*You may scribe for a child if he or she is in Kindergarten or in First Grade at the BOY and MOY.

*When grading written comprehension answers, document the lowest score.  Please do not take an average of the two scores.  I know I suggested this, but the information I read in the document sent to me this weekend "spells" this practice out.

"A New Generation of Assessments"

* The assessments will feature complex, multipart tasks.  In language arts, this may include executing electronic searches, selecting credible sources, and developing written arguments that are supported by evidence from the sources.

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